4 December 2010

Our grand ecosystem

Our universe really is huge beyond human comprehension.

What lies outside that? Possibly an infinite number of other universes.

We are ourselves currently on our little rock very insignificant in the true scale of existence, of space and time.

We are small beings, possibly not yet fully evolved.

However we did come from the atoms themselves which gave way to organic molecules, multi-cellular lifeforms and eventually us.

If that says anything it says that life is natural, that the reason for all of the stars and galaxies and everything wasn't just so they could continue to co-exist in their celestial lives, but it's all there as an ecosystem for biological life to exist like humans and all of our cousins on earth do and probably countless others do throughout the universe/s.

I can see why people rely on religions to explain our existence. Without being taught such a holy book from a young age we can stray to a path of poor principle, being blindly tempted by the evils of the world.

Chemicals in our brains react positively to certain situations and that alone is enough to bypass willpower for many people. However long before any religious texts came to be written or gods were conceived life was abundant on earth. It is much harder to live a life of principle from your own mind than blindly follow the teachings of a false god but also much greater - one who can think and act for them self. If humanity is going to abandon religion I hope great minds can keep our world a place of principle. I cannot help but think that religion at its core wouldn't allow much of the evils and stupidities in our world today - alcohol and pornography for example. Both wrongly accepted by the masses to be a norm. One is a chemical man found which happened to intoxicate him and is now mass manufactured and consumed everywhere. The other is a recording or depiction of a sexual act by person/s purely for profit and self gain and watching it does a person no good except for the temporary high they get from the orgasm (just like drugs). I honestly don't know if our evolution intended for us to use our reproductive organs in such a way. Studies have shown that if someone does not relieve them self sexually regularly then it causes biological problems. At the same time our bodies go to great lengths to make the seed of existence which continues our species, surely it should not be wasted in such a manner? People should be having physical relationships with another human being rather than witnessing it as a recording of a third party which seems to be a degradation of that persons self esteem.

Drugs are illegal by law. This is a good thing because drugs are very stupid but ideally we would exist in a society where everyone realised this, no drugs were manufactured anywhere and no one was interested in them anyway through education and awareness. The same can be said for murder, rape and most other things criminal justice systems commonly punish. They should be illegal and at this moment in time it is probably essential that they are, but again most people rely on the existence of a criminal justice system (just like many rely on religions to give them moral guidelines) to prevent crime - even to stop them from committing crimes.

It is my hope that we are not fully evolved yet. That when we do we will have much higher control over our thoughts and as a result possess much greater willpower and will no longer rely on religion and criminal justice systems and governments for our world to function.

27 November 2010

After Death & Life in the universe

What happens after death?

The word people have applied most to one theory is "reincarnation" although traditionally in my opinion it is a word with very stupid meanings. We live again right after we die? We have lived as old kings and queens on earth before? Both rather wishful thinking.

Infinite time, infinite space... Eventually our consciousnesses will exist again?
I think so and surely it favours a high level of probability. I've often thought about how consciousness could be from genetics but that theory goes out the window because we all came from the same single strand of bacteria that started life on earth and if that could happen on earth then it could happen anywhere in the infinity of space and time just as my mind could exist again. They wouldn't be linked in any way naturally but I would be "conscious" again. Perhaps? I would again be a living, thinking being.

What if we just die and that's it, nothing happens? Well like I said above time really is INFINITE. It won't ever just "end". Ever. Even if the universe(s) all came to nothing and for an eternity nothing existed, eventually it would come to be again. Something does come of nothing. The science of nothing hasn't been explored too much but I can assure you we have never seen "nothing". Everywhere on earth is saturated with atoms. Everywhere in our visible sight in the universe is so. And there's a natural constant that seems to affect everything - gravity. I think the gravity of "nothing" is very high. I don't know what happens inside a black hole and don't know if they have anything to do with "nothing". I don't know if nothing ever has or ever will exist because something does come from nothing. A theory I consider is such insane levels of gravity (from nothing... Confusing, right?) that massive numbers of atoms are created. Perhaps like a... Big bang! Well I think scientists are very stupid to make such assumptions about the beginning of the universe when we're still relatively primitive but it's certainly a plausible theory. Back on-topic, time is infinite, there will always be something. I think since space and time are so infinite it would be arrogant to assume earth was the first (or last) planet to host life. Very stupid indeed. We've only discovered a handful of planets outside our own solar system, which just happened to support life. If ours can and we're not even a damn grain of sand then I'm pretty sure there are billions, perhaps trillions of planets with life out there. Where are they? Theoretical maximum speed of light = hundreds of thousands of years even for signals to travel between galaxies. And science has certainly detected some seemingly artificial signals. (http://socyberty.com/paranormal/alien-signal-detected-near-gliese-581g/ & http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wow!_signal & http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_source_SHGb02%2B14a and probably plenty more where those came from, that is the infinity of space. Radio source SHGb02+14a for example: "There are a number of puzzling features of this candidate, which have led to a large amount of skepticism. The source is located between the constellations Pisces and Aries, a direction in which no stars are observed within 1000 light years.") Those are just the few that happened just to be travelling in the right direction to reach earth. (Think of the infinite numbers between 0 and 1. Use that thought with 3d directions in space. You have infinite possible directions for a signal to go to. What are the chances of an alien planet with no clue we exist yet sending a signal that just happens to reach earth? Infinitessimal. Back on topic. Infinite time, (possibly) infinite life, infinite space (heck maybe even infinite universes). Probability of existing again: Pretty damn high.

I would be very interested to see comments on my theories and get into a discussion.

16 November 2010

Power games

In 1954, three American researchers, Gerald Pearson, Calvin Fuller and Daryl Chapin, designed a silicon solar cell capable of a six percent energy conversion efficiency with direct sunlight.

In episode one of Wonders of the solar system from the BBC, Professor Brian Cox said that in one day the sun emits about 400 million million million million watts every second. In his words, this is a million times the power consumption of the United States in a year.

It obviously doesn't require extremely rare or expensive materials to make solar panels. And they were making quite relatively efficient ones in the 1950s. Why is the whole world not now using all of this solar power that is aimed at our planet, going to waste? It's being aimed right at us yet we would sooner drill oil from the ground and dig up parts of our own planet for wasteful, polluting power.

I think it's because the various oil corporations in our world wouldn't want to lose all of their many trillions and trillions of dollars in income. And when you have that much money you can control pretty much anything, even for example certain governments. BP seems to have a huge monopoly on solar panel production at the moment and they will probably keep it all to themselves, selling it at vastly inflated prices (compared to the cost even to manufacture the panels) to the consumer. As opposed to people having solar panels on their own homes and making their own power without having to pay anything. That wouldn't be very much like capitalism, would it?

3 November 2010

World Affairs

It is perfectly plausible that in the relative near future there could be a significant wars between countries with clashing ideologies, be those political or religious ideals, or the governments of a group of countries just deciding they want to expand their power base, perhaps even influenced by corporations. I don't think there's anything the UN, NATO or any armies could do to stop this (at least very well) if enough countries were joined in an attack. I just hope that if such events do unfold whoever ultimately benefits from the silly little power games of the human race however far in the future that may be will use it in a way which shows principle rather than in a selfish or oppressive way. I hope this little rock has a future where our species (or what we will evolve into) will progress...

26 October 2010

Present human endeavours and perceptions

At present humans aspire to gain material wealth. Obviously one may enjoy life more possessing such wealth. However no one our little rock that I can see has come up with anything to show it is any more significant than an ant colony in the grand scheme of things (i.e. the place it inhabits - the universe). So ultimately no matter how much money you made or how successful you were, all that will be left of you is history - just a record, just another statistic in the old earth history books/ computer records/ databases or whatever.
Unless you believe in God or Religions, we really have no purpose at the moment and I can only hope we evolve biologically and technologically into a greater species and a planet we can be proud of. Imagine some relatively highly advanced alien civilization paid us a visit and communicated with us. Would you be proud of our planet in its present state? At one end of the spectrum we have celebrities - the very epitome of capitalism - wallowing in their wealth like a pig in mud, living lives of extravagant luxury. At the other end you get all of the starving and diseased members of our species who weren't so lucky to be born into such capitalist opportunity. While the celebrities in "Hollywood" spend millions on pieces of gold and rock, newborns (if they even reach that stage) at other parts of the world die of starvation. Where is the sense in that? Our world governments should be ashamed for continuing to let such inequalities exist particularly if they have the audacity to call themselves intelligent and civilized individuals.

Other members of the human race discriminate people because of their religion, sexuality, gender, ethnicity... The list does go on. The fact of the matter is that there are two types of people in our world at present. The powerful and the proletariat. The powerful are the government, corporations and their influence including the media. The proletariat is everyone else regardless of their beliefs, origins, sexuality, gender... We should be united because we are the oppressed - oppressed by a capitalist system. I say that not as someone who has a secret agenda or anything. I went to school just like everyone else. I graduated from college. I work 40 hours a week for a wage which mostly goes to supporting my family. I consider myself well off because me and my family will never have to worry about food or water and we are (financially) about 3 times better off than families who don't work in my country, through choice or otherwise. You could call me a benefactor of capitalism yet I despise it because of the inequalities it causes in our world. I don't know entirely about socialism or communism - many people associate them with words like "bad", "evil", "totalitarian", "oppressive", but the way I see it those associations are made because of propaganda and generalisations. I know this isn't conceivable and if you aren't open-minded you may consider the idea silly but I think a socialist one world government would be ideal. Every citizen on earth would be entitled to a basic Providence of food, water, health, shelter and education. Those who don't work (but are able) would get that and perhaps a slight amount of money. Those who aren't able would be provided for. Those who do would get all the benefits of the current system. Caps would exist on wealth. Corporate possession and insane levels of profit would be cut right down. There would be more than enough wealth to distribute among the people and government provided services. The world would truly be happier place without all of the inequalities that make me ashamed to be a benefactor of capitalism, not through choice but because want for my family.

The true ultimate insignificance of wealth is undeniable. So many wars are caused by money and so much death. We're just what Carl Sagan calls a pale blue dot. We aren't even a mere grain of sand in our own universe (Who knows how many more universes exist outside our own? The number could easily by far exceed billions). Yet (lets say we're ants) we quarrel over little rocks, pieces of dirt and food, when there's more than enough on our little Earth for everyone to be happy. A significant reason for this? Sure. It's a vicious circle - the corporations own (or at least have huge influence over) the governments and the corporations like their power so would never see the death of capitalism, what would there be for them to gain from that? Well being due to the knowledge they made the world a better place despite losing all of their wealth? Ha.

I'll finish there. Again as always, just some thoughts I had.

25 October 2010

Regarding "God"

While I cannot disprove the existence of a God, I personally find it easy to conclude that no God exists.

It is certainly possible for a species to evolve (either biologically or technologically) to a stage where it (in our eyes) appears to possess god-like abilities. Does this make that being a god? Perhaps if you go by our traditional somewhat primitive definitions. Then are we not Gods to ants? Does this mean if member of an extra terrestrial species were to visit earth and that being had omnipotent abilities we should worship it? Imagine a being with the ability to create whole worlds and star systems with living ecosystems and billions of species to inhabit them. That does not entitle it to be called a God. Who knows how far our own species will have come in millions of years from now? If we haven't annihilated ourselves with our (or rather the powerful people, corporations and governments of our world's) stupid primitive wars and power games then I'm sure we will be much more advanced than we presently are.

I do not consider myself a narrow-minded individual however the idea of a God just seems like an idea that hasn't been thought about a great deal for the logical reasons I mentioned above.

Just because a belief exists for many, many generations it does not mean it should be continued. Many of our ancestors probably believed in witches and approved of the witch burnings of their time. That's certainly a belief I'm sure most people will agree is better left in the past. What about religion? Do we continue to believe in the existence of a God just because our parents and grandparents and great-grandparents (and so on) possessed these beliefs? Yet when we think deeply about these belief systems we find no proof, evidence or logical reasons - just old books passed down throughout the generations, written by people thousands of years ago at a time when our world was very primitive in comparison to the technology and knowledge at our disposal today.

Admittedly one may experience some emotional guilt at relinquishing their beliefs which may have been their family's only hope in life but I think it's sad when people can't enjoy life without the (probably false) hope religion gives them. My own family are Christians and I make my being atheist no secret to them. I feel no guilt - I didn't ask when I was born to be baptised and forced into joining a religion when I certainly didn't have the mind to consent to doing so. I don't try to preach to my family nor do I approve of people preaching atheism to religious people (or people preaching religion to atheists/ members of other religion/ people who don't welcome their preaching - people preaching anything when uninvited to do so). However this is my blog where I will post the thoughts that exist in my mind and I don't consider that preaching, just spilling my thoughts and opinions out where anyone can view them. Feel free to believe whatever you want, the above is just what I choose to believe and my explained reasons.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.   - Seneca the Younger

7 October 2010

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