6 April 2012

Anger, repression, sheep

Why does society repress anger?

Children are funnelled through schools and institutions, where the process often rips every shred of their individuality from them, turning them into a member of one or another group of sheep. At least one constant is that all anger is completely discouraged. Any anger expressed by one student towards another student, teacher, or anything in particular is treated in a highly punitive manner. This perfectly normal human emotion is put out like a candle. People often grow up with emotional and relationship problems and more and more often difficulty expressing themselves. Psychological and mental disorders continue to rise in frequency among the population.

There are a group of people who remain unaffected by the 'disorders'. They are usually the club-going, reality television watching so-called 'cool' of our society. They are the people who are considered sociable and popular. They take little notice of the world around them, including all of the war, death, disease, starvation, inequality and injustice in the world. They say ignorance is bliss, and in the case of this group, it is certainly true. They even take little notice of the politics in their own country, and make it a cool thing to do so. In most social venues, workplaces, educational institutions and generally everywhere, one who talks about politics is flagged a bore. It is discouraged through a widespread social campaign of negative feedback to mention politics. So the citizens of most of countries of the developed world will not realise what is going on in their countries until it is too late - when their own governments happen to be closing the bars down on you like caged animals. The trends are already beginning to appear. Rising rates of police brutality, all time high numbers for police and military forces (often justified by stupid wars/ invasions for oil covered with the excuse of a stupid excuse for a stupid war). Our great grandparents and our recent ancestors would have been as angry as hell about the way the world is, if they lived now. But we're a population of sheep. We watch our television, swallow whatever nonsense and misinformation the politicians and tabloids spew out at us (1984 anyone?) (or completely take no notice of it as reality TV and celebrity gossip is of more importance to us or the other sources of media and information from everywhere is just too great for us to take notice of the things that truly matter (Brave new world, anyone?)).

For the minority who are aware of the truth and actively seek it, there are the prisons, mental institutions and cemeteries of the world. I can only hope there are good beings who do not have a similar nature to us, out there in the universe. I may not have faith and hope in humanity, but of the cosmos outside in which we originated as a speck of dust, I am unsure, and that alone prevents me from getting down and depressed about our shitty little world. I know space, time and existence is so vast, that none of this really matters, and ironically that is a good thing.

I'll leave you with this brilliant song from the brilliant Pink Floyd. Good luck in life, citizen of the world which I wish was a better place than it is.