14 September 2012

The singularity beckons

I prefer to call the so-called 'big-bang' type event scientists often talk about a 'big spread', because that's essentially what it was. All matter in our present universe - every tiny particle that makes up every last damned atom and neutrino and quark and higgs boson out there, all occupied a single tiny point. The singularity. It exploded, or so they say, spreading matter throughout emptiness at a speed greater than light. The expansion still continues, we are a consequence left in its path.

I think this is an infinite cycle, and natural gravity (even black holes!) over the aeons will result in all of the galaxies and nebulae and so on once again reverting to a singularity point, at which point the big spread will happen again.

Another theory of mine is that biological life is very common between the 'spread' and 'singularity reversions', as a natural consequence of the correct conditions (goldilocks zone perhaps) for life to evolve. I've said it in past posts and I'll say it again - I honestly believe we live infinite times, because of the nature of these cycles. The good news, again, is that when you are dead, you have no perception of the passing of time. Therefore, relative to your perceptions, you are ALWAYS alive, even if at vastly differing points in space and time, even if manifested in ridiculously different forms of life or perhaps even something else.

Be happy and enjoy your life, do not be sad or be petty because nothing has ever been or will ever be significant, all is relative. Don't worry about death, because the very nature of death is just part of an infinite cycle which every last little particle, atom, quark, neutrino, higgs boson... is all part of, the particles that make up you and I in the ever bashing swaying sea of atoms and molecules that we call the universe included. Perhaps there is some sort of transcended consciousness, above biological life forms. Perhaps the singularity was god, and everything is just its will. I'm not one for religion, and any 'god' would obviously just be relative, but it'd damn well be the closest thing!

Have a good weekend.

11 September 2012

Libya and Syria are parallels. Both were/ are being invaded by group/s of terrorists/ Islamist extremists funded by outside sources. Both governments defended their country with its armed forces, as would any leadership when its country is being sieged by terrorists. Both subjects of worldwide media propaganda against their governments.

Ultimately this would seem to be a part of some plan to destabilise foreign governments. The more stable, even secular and progressives, to be replaced with the far more radical even approaching fanatical. Hard line Islamists with various links to extremist factions such as al qaeda, including the LIFG who orchestrated the invasion of Libya. Conveniently, a man who played a significant role in these events - Abdelhakim Belhadj - released under a huge amnesty of (former) terrorists/ extremists by Gaddafi,despite leaving the country - was returned to Libya by the CIA.

It seems crazy and illogical, that western leaders might hand power to their enemies, the very people they're fighting in countries such as Afghanistan. Then you look at the big picture. You know, a few years -- perhaps a decade down the line. War is profit. Libya, Syria, Egypt... These are the Afghanistan's of the future. Between these politicians, and the powerful people/ corporations/ ammunition and energy companies who lobby them (as well as the weapons makers, who want the big wheel that makes them all their money to keep turning) have it all planned out, and the media has the propaganda side covered to keep the public blind to all of this. But remember, there's no profit in peace. Capitalism and religion are the biggest enemies to humanity, along with human nature!