19 November 2012

The human 'soul'

To begin, I believe there is no soul, at least not as the religious type would have you believe.

We're all just biological lifeforms, a miracle of molecules and atoms, an evolution on a rock that happened to have the right conditions, that no doubt happens in countless places and times in existence (the past, the future, distant galaxies, anywhere you can imagine it's possible...) where the conditions are also right.

There is a type of soul though. Humanity evolved from the animals because of our ingenuity, our intelligence, our resilience above the rest. Why is it now that people are herded like sheep or ant farms, and so few think for themselves? We're living in crowded conditions, watching the same programmed 'programmes' on our media devices, reading the same bullshit, we're no different from animals except that so many of has have a delusion of 'sentience', of independent thought, of being superior to animals. Animals socialise, animals frolick, animals hunt prey to feed themselves and their family. Animals don't sit in shacks gluttonously gorging themselves on every scrap until they become quite the fat bastards, all while watching the 392424th series of the latest reality TV show everyone is talking about on headbook.

Human society is crowding people together, yet making them more alone than ever, and making them all think and watch and see and do the same things much like something from an Orwellian novel. It's quite ridiculous. The funniest thing is those in power are just as deluded as anyone, because space and time are above it all. The one way for humanity to do good would have been to work together for common goals (scientific discoveries and not just the profitable ones, the advancement of our species, searching the stars, finding a great meaning) and those running our world fucked that up in favour for a little hedonism, or profit, or control, which holds no true meaning on earth or humanity or society or existence, except some little chemicals in their frail biological brains (dopamine and such).

To get back to the subject, I believe there is soul in humanity, and that soul is managing to avoid all of these pitfalls and downfalls that society throws at you, remaining an individual after it all. Fuck the corporations, fuck the politicians, fuck the breweries telling everyone in society they need to drink to be normal, fuck the governments for cramping people together and making them unhappy, fuck the big pharmaceutical companies, fuck the big religious heads pretending to be divine while hoarding wealth while children starve on other parts of the world, all of those above and the many more like them are the great enemies to humanity.

Pursue philosophy but never get stuck to a viewpoint or single mindset. Pursue science with interest but keep an open mind. Ignore religion. Don't indulge in drugs or alcohol, no matter how many people and organizations tell you it's not bad and no matter how much propaganda (internet or elsewhere) tells you so. I've smoked pot in the past and I've seen all of the propaganda and while I'm against prohibition, it's a thing that clouds the mind and the body. This metaphorical? soul I'm talking about is clouded by such things. It's clouded by getting sucked into reality tv shows. Clouded by being closed-minded about many subjects.

I believe the best way to live your life is to be open minded about EVERYTHING except that which can cloud your body, your mind, your soul. This is not religious babble, this is my logic. 50 years from now when I'm considerably older, I don't want to be a drug/ alcohol addled old guy who can't think for himself and needs help in everyday life. I want to have my mind and my body intact. Alcohol is just a chemical that happened to be discovered and is now making greedy people a lot of money. Pro-alcohol propaganda is EVERYWHERE in society, and people from EVERY walk of life are sucked in by it. This stupid chemical is basically poison. A world where people have to intoxicate themselves to be naturally social is a sad one. Why is society like this? As for marijuana, it dulls the mind, the senses, the perceptions... It is not something anybody who wants to consider themselves wise should indulge in. Of course you'll see a whole load of propaganda arguing that it's the healthiest thing since water, but THC is a foreign body when it passes the blood-brain barrier just as alcohol is. Make your body and your brain a temple, like the quote below. And try to keep a positive outlook on life and the world, don't let misguided people drag you down. People should eat simple healthy food, and drink water. Don't be a customer of a diseased society. Go fucking set yourself free. Listen to some good music, even if it can often be quite pretentious I honestly believe it can nourish the soul. So many in society have no souls, because of the way they are living. Religion isn't the cure or the answer, religion is bullshit. Self-searching, honesty, good healthy natural living and food and drink, good honest human relationships, friends, and no pettiness/ squabbling/ jealousy/ pretentiousness... Don't live your life for others, live it for what you believe is right. Love the world, love humanity. No, I'm not a hippie, as I might be called in a derogatory manner for what I just said, I just want my species to get a fucking grip!

14 September 2012

The singularity beckons

I prefer to call the so-called 'big-bang' type event scientists often talk about a 'big spread', because that's essentially what it was. All matter in our present universe - every tiny particle that makes up every last damned atom and neutrino and quark and higgs boson out there, all occupied a single tiny point. The singularity. It exploded, or so they say, spreading matter throughout emptiness at a speed greater than light. The expansion still continues, we are a consequence left in its path.

I think this is an infinite cycle, and natural gravity (even black holes!) over the aeons will result in all of the galaxies and nebulae and so on once again reverting to a singularity point, at which point the big spread will happen again.

Another theory of mine is that biological life is very common between the 'spread' and 'singularity reversions', as a natural consequence of the correct conditions (goldilocks zone perhaps) for life to evolve. I've said it in past posts and I'll say it again - I honestly believe we live infinite times, because of the nature of these cycles. The good news, again, is that when you are dead, you have no perception of the passing of time. Therefore, relative to your perceptions, you are ALWAYS alive, even if at vastly differing points in space and time, even if manifested in ridiculously different forms of life or perhaps even something else.

Be happy and enjoy your life, do not be sad or be petty because nothing has ever been or will ever be significant, all is relative. Don't worry about death, because the very nature of death is just part of an infinite cycle which every last little particle, atom, quark, neutrino, higgs boson... is all part of, the particles that make up you and I in the ever bashing swaying sea of atoms and molecules that we call the universe included. Perhaps there is some sort of transcended consciousness, above biological life forms. Perhaps the singularity was god, and everything is just its will. I'm not one for religion, and any 'god' would obviously just be relative, but it'd damn well be the closest thing!

Have a good weekend.

11 September 2012

Libya and Syria are parallels. Both were/ are being invaded by group/s of terrorists/ Islamist extremists funded by outside sources. Both governments defended their country with its armed forces, as would any leadership when its country is being sieged by terrorists. Both subjects of worldwide media propaganda against their governments.

Ultimately this would seem to be a part of some plan to destabilise foreign governments. The more stable, even secular and progressives, to be replaced with the far more radical even approaching fanatical. Hard line Islamists with various links to extremist factions such as al qaeda, including the LIFG who orchestrated the invasion of Libya. Conveniently, a man who played a significant role in these events - Abdelhakim Belhadj - released under a huge amnesty of (former) terrorists/ extremists by Gaddafi,despite leaving the country - was returned to Libya by the CIA.

It seems crazy and illogical, that western leaders might hand power to their enemies, the very people they're fighting in countries such as Afghanistan. Then you look at the big picture. You know, a few years -- perhaps a decade down the line. War is profit. Libya, Syria, Egypt... These are the Afghanistan's of the future. Between these politicians, and the powerful people/ corporations/ ammunition and energy companies who lobby them (as well as the weapons makers, who want the big wheel that makes them all their money to keep turning) have it all planned out, and the media has the propaganda side covered to keep the public blind to all of this. But remember, there's no profit in peace. Capitalism and religion are the biggest enemies to humanity, along with human nature!

21 July 2012

Looking, for which answers I am unsure...

Do you ever feel like just escaping? I wake up every morning for work feeling like shit. I feel like shit at shit work with shit bosses. I come in, play games/ watch tv and films for some time/ listen to music. One form of escapism, and I can't help but think it's far from ideal. Then I don't feel like going to sleep because I anticipate the next morning, so I put that off as long as I can. Then I do go to sleep, wake up, and the cycle begins again.

I've been thinking about this a lot, and I would like to know if there is there any form of meditation that can slow down our perception of time (or make our mind be outside of it?) and increase the levels which our thoughts can reach, essentially our clarity?

I browse the internet for long durations of time, have been for many years now, but never really get close to a normal discussion, close understanding of my fellow human beings, closer understanding of the universe, none of the things I really want. I spend hours daily playing online games, not because I enjoy them, but because they're sufficient forms of escapism. There is no genuine, real social company on these games, or at many of the social/ communication mediums online. Why is it in 2012 the internet hasn't come up with a sophisticated social medium? Just endless IRC chatrooms where people never talk, endless forums with no one ever really connecting, many image boards and games where so many people don't know any other...

Image credit: http://jay-piddle.deviantart.com/art/Fear-Is-A-Lonely-Man-145245880

I don't at all know what answers I'm really looking for. If anyone has them, please, please, comment. Talk about your life, what you want, what you don't want, what you think about society, what you think about the universe, whatever. Anything. I just need some kind of discussion to keep myself sane.

A lot of people are good at heart. I hold the belief that people are blinded daily by petty things and their own or other peoples pettiness... As well as that, by chemicals, hormones, by what society is telling them to be or not be, believe or not believe, by their peers, by their family, by their environment... Humanity ascends beyond all of these things and it's the one thing every human being has in common, but shows so little of. That sounds very pretentious, but it's true. We're the one big collective, yet so many of us are alone, through our own feelings and perceptions or through other factors. Many of us seek answers in philosophy, in space, time, and the universe, in science, and never come any closer to them. Others look in religion and have what I think to be a comforting delusion of answers. Others gave up long ago and just escape into the mindlessness of daily life and the cogs turning in the big machine that is society, or find other ways to escape. Everyone is so apathetic.

From Charlie Chaplin's 'Modern Times'.

From Pink Floyd's 'The Wall'.

6 April 2012

Anger, repression, sheep

Why does society repress anger?

Children are funnelled through schools and institutions, where the process often rips every shred of their individuality from them, turning them into a member of one or another group of sheep. At least one constant is that all anger is completely discouraged. Any anger expressed by one student towards another student, teacher, or anything in particular is treated in a highly punitive manner. This perfectly normal human emotion is put out like a candle. People often grow up with emotional and relationship problems and more and more often difficulty expressing themselves. Psychological and mental disorders continue to rise in frequency among the population.

There are a group of people who remain unaffected by the 'disorders'. They are usually the club-going, reality television watching so-called 'cool' of our society. They are the people who are considered sociable and popular. They take little notice of the world around them, including all of the war, death, disease, starvation, inequality and injustice in the world. They say ignorance is bliss, and in the case of this group, it is certainly true. They even take little notice of the politics in their own country, and make it a cool thing to do so. In most social venues, workplaces, educational institutions and generally everywhere, one who talks about politics is flagged a bore. It is discouraged through a widespread social campaign of negative feedback to mention politics. So the citizens of most of countries of the developed world will not realise what is going on in their countries until it is too late - when their own governments happen to be closing the bars down on you like caged animals. The trends are already beginning to appear. Rising rates of police brutality, all time high numbers for police and military forces (often justified by stupid wars/ invasions for oil covered with the excuse of a stupid excuse for a stupid war). Our great grandparents and our recent ancestors would have been as angry as hell about the way the world is, if they lived now. But we're a population of sheep. We watch our television, swallow whatever nonsense and misinformation the politicians and tabloids spew out at us (1984 anyone?) (or completely take no notice of it as reality TV and celebrity gossip is of more importance to us or the other sources of media and information from everywhere is just too great for us to take notice of the things that truly matter (Brave new world, anyone?)).

For the minority who are aware of the truth and actively seek it, there are the prisons, mental institutions and cemeteries of the world. I can only hope there are good beings who do not have a similar nature to us, out there in the universe. I may not have faith and hope in humanity, but of the cosmos outside in which we originated as a speck of dust, I am unsure, and that alone prevents me from getting down and depressed about our shitty little world. I know space, time and existence is so vast, that none of this really matters, and ironically that is a good thing.

I'll leave you with this brilliant song from the brilliant Pink Floyd. Good luck in life, citizen of the world which I wish was a better place than it is.

2 January 2012

Good luck Ron Paul, defender of the US Consitution and of liberties, opposer of war and the federal reserve amongst other greedy and corrupt financial institutions.


 I am not American, however I have studied worldwide politics extensively and when it comes to the politics of the United States (not exclusive to the US of course, it is a similar situation in most countries due to the nature of politics), I am tired of the two party system in which whatever career politician with the most money and media influence seems to rise to victory in the polls. Ron Paul is remarkably different. The mainstream media running the political system over in the USA has ignored him, despite his many supporters. Until they could no longer do so.

I am not going to repeat here what has already been written and spoken about many times, but this man is a rare gem among high-profile politicians. He is different because his motives are actually do to the right and proper thing, rather than saving his own ass or pleasing some puppet masters pulling his strings. He is against war. He believes in many freedoms as per the US Constitution, which other politicians commonly ignore. Below is some reading on the man.

But please do your own research on him. I am pretty biased because I admire him a great deal, but I did come to that over time with objectivity. I believe he is the best possible candidate for the Presidency of the United States, along with Dennis Kucinich. Both happened to oppose the unjust intervention and backing up of Al-Qaeda linked militant Islamists in Libya, earlier in 2011. No more war games for oil, please.