2 January 2012

Good luck Ron Paul, defender of the US Consitution and of liberties, opposer of war and the federal reserve amongst other greedy and corrupt financial institutions.


 I am not American, however I have studied worldwide politics extensively and when it comes to the politics of the United States (not exclusive to the US of course, it is a similar situation in most countries due to the nature of politics), I am tired of the two party system in which whatever career politician with the most money and media influence seems to rise to victory in the polls. Ron Paul is remarkably different. The mainstream media running the political system over in the USA has ignored him, despite his many supporters. Until they could no longer do so.

I am not going to repeat here what has already been written and spoken about many times, but this man is a rare gem among high-profile politicians. He is different because his motives are actually do to the right and proper thing, rather than saving his own ass or pleasing some puppet masters pulling his strings. He is against war. He believes in many freedoms as per the US Constitution, which other politicians commonly ignore. Below is some reading on the man.

But please do your own research on him. I am pretty biased because I admire him a great deal, but I did come to that over time with objectivity. I believe he is the best possible candidate for the Presidency of the United States, along with Dennis Kucinich. Both happened to oppose the unjust intervention and backing up of Al-Qaeda linked militant Islamists in Libya, earlier in 2011. No more war games for oil, please.

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